1. Click the "My Media" link from a course navigation
If you do not have access to a Canvas course or the My Media link is not activated in your course, My Media in Canvas can also be accessed by clicking the Account link in the Global Navigation and selecting the My Media link that is listed in the fly-out window. For more information, visit the How to access My Media in Canvas guide.

4. Thumbnail options
The Thumbnail tab will open, you can upload, capture, or auto-generate a thumbnail for the video of your choosing. The Upload Thumbnail option [1] allows you to upload a thumbnail from your desktop and use it as the default thumbnail.The Capture option [2] allows you to use the video player to seek the frame you would want to use as your default thumbnail. The Auto-Generate option [3] allows you to select one thumbnail from ten automatically generated thumbnails of the video and set it as the default thumbnail. The Download option [4] allows you to download a video's current thumbnail to be used elsewhere.