1. Click the "My Media" link from a course navigation
If you do not have access to a Canvas course or the My Media link is not activated in your course, My Media in Canvas can also be accessed by clicking the Account link in the Global Navigation and selecting the My Media link that is listed in the fly-out window. For more information, visit the How to access My Media in Canvas guide.

3. Select the "Express Webcam Recorder" option from the drop-down menu

4. Record Media
The Camera settings [1] allows users to select their webcam options. The Audio settings [2]allows users to select their audio options including screen audio and/or microphone. The Kaltura Express Webcam recorder allows users to record an entire screen or pre-selecting part of a screen under the Screen settings [3]. When all settings are correct, click the red Record button [4] and a count down will start.

5. Select the "Use This" button