The University of Utah recommends including Canvas course content relating to course discription, course policies, university policies and instructor information, including available office hours. We have created a template to make it easy for you to import this content into your course. To import the syllabus content from the University template follow the steps outlined below:
1. Click Syllabus on the left side in your Canvas course and make sure you have a blank Syllabus as show in the image below

NOTE: Please ignore any listed assignments shown below the Course Summary settings in your Syllabus. We define a blank Syllabus content that can be manually enter directly in the Syllabus
2. Click on the Edit button

3. Click on the Rocket Ship icon on the upper right corner

4. Click on the "+ Add content Blocks" button

5. Click on the green checkmarks for each item below Institutional Block Templates
NOTE: Only select Uonline Expectations if your course is an online course.

6. Click on Update Syllabus