Class Help

How do I create a video quiz in My Media in Canvas?

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In addition to creating a video for students to use in Canvas, there are features such as adding questions at different points in the video to help with student engagement. For more information, visit Kaltura's Knowledge Base or continue reading this article. 

If you do not have access to a Canvas course or the My Media link is not activated in your course, My Media in Canvas can also be accessed by clicking the Account link in the Global Navigation and selecting the My Media link that is listed in the fly-out window. For more information, visit the How to access My Media in Canvas guide.

2. Click the "Add New" button

3. Select the "Video Quiz" option from the drop-down menu

4. Click the "Select" button next to the media to edit

5. Drag the playhead on the video timeline and click the "Add a Question" button

6. Select Question Type

Multiple Choice [1] are questions with only one correct answer. True/False [2]  are questions with only one correct answer. Reflection Point [3] Open-Ended Question [4] allows you to present the quiz taker with the option to add free text. After the quiz is submitted, the quiz owner can look at the written response and write notes. A Open-Ended Question is not gradable. Reflection Point and Open-Ended Question types have no impact on the grade.

7. Enter Question and Answers and click the "Save" button

Multiple Choice question and answers text box view

True/False question and answers text box view

Reflection Point text box view

Open-Ended question text box view

8. Continue to use the playhead to advance through your video and stop at points to add questions

For each question that you add, you will see a blue cube icon marker added to the video's timeline.

8. Select the "Done" button

The results from questions prompted during the video are not automatically transferred into student's Canvas gradebook. Reach out to [email protected] if you have further questions. 

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