Please be sure to follow the steps in the How to Set Up Poll Everywhere in your Canvas Course and Poll Everywhere Activity Creation guides before proceeding.
Sync Rosters from the Courses page
Navigate to your Participants page and select Courses.

From the Courses screen, you will see all of the courses you have connected with Poll Everywhere. From here, you can click Sync Roster next to the specific course you would like to sync with your Canvas Gradebook.

To sync course rosters, Enable Roster Sync must be On. You can click the Toggle Button to turn on/off. When On, your rosters will automatically sync on a nightly-basis.
Connecting the Gradebook
Select the name of the course you’d like to create a sync with your Canvas Gradebook with.

From this page, create a new Gradebook by clicking Add New Gradebook.

Adding a new Gradebook will put you into the report creation flow. In the side panel, select the Gradebook Report and then the Activities you wish to include in your Report.

Review the Gradebook Report, and click the Export button at the bottom right when you are ready to export the grades to Canvas.

When you click the Export button, you will see a popup that will either ask you to confirm the Canvas Course, or select the Canvas Course to export the report to from a dropdown menu. Additionally, you will have the option to export the Report as Grades or Participation. Make your selections, then click Next.

The following pop-up will now filter the Report by the Participants in your Canvas Course and start the export. You should then see a message indicating that the export has completed and is processing in the background.

Once the export is complete, head back over to Canvas and click into your Gradebook via the Course Navigation to verify that the new Poll Everywhere Gradebook Column was created.

If you change the name of the Gradebook Report in Poll Everywhere and re-export, it will update the name of the Assignment in Canvas. Additionally, if you change the Assignment Name or Grades in Canvas, it will revert back to the name and grades in Poll Everywhere when you re-export the Report to Canvas. For this reason, we recommend not making changes to the Canvas Gradebook after you export a Gradebook Report from Poll Everywhere.