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Gathering feedback and student participation in Poll Everywhere

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Download the Poll Everywhere App

Before you can create and integrate your polls into various tools, you need to have the Poll Everywhere app downloaded to your device. To download the application, visit Poll Everywhere's guide for downloading according to your device.  

Allow participants to respond via web browser

Participants have the option of using a web browser, the Poll Everywhere mobile or desktop app, or text messaging to respond to an activity. In a distance learning environment, your students will need to use their phones or laptops to participate, depending on which device they have available.

How to configure participant screen names

With Poll Everywhere you can require participants to enter a screen name. This is not as secure as registering participants, but is more effective than using auto-generated IDs. 

You can require your students to use their full names or a special code that only your students would know (e.g. APPLES_JohnSmith). This way, if you see an unrecognizable participant without that code, you will know they are not a part of your class.

To learn more about Participant Screen Names, see Poll Everywhere's official Participant Screen Names guide.

How to integrate Poll Everywhere into presentations 

Leverage Poll Everywhere to turn your one-sided virtual lecture into a two-sided conversation. Insert Poll Everywhere activities into your existing lesson plan to actively engage students..

After downloading the Poll Everywhere App, with Poll Everywhere for Mac and Windows, you can seamlessly present activities in your PowerPoint or Keynote presentations by embedding them as a slide. This gives your class a more streamlined presentation because you donʼt have to switch back and forth between your presentation app and Poll Everywhere.

Presentations created on the Poll Everywhere app can not be presented from Poll Everywhere for Office 365 (found in the add-ins menu in PowerPoint). Please use the same version of the application on both machines to ensure a smooth presentation.

Poll Everywhere for Windows PPT

Once downloaded, the Poll Everywhere app integrates into PowerPointʼs interface and will show up in the ribbon. A login is required.


The Poll Everywhere app runs in the background as a separate application window.

Screenshot of My Activity option in Mac PowerPoint

To learn more about Slideware Integration, see Poll Everywhere's official How to Insert Activities guide.

Building and presenting your activities from the web

If you prefer, you can also create and present your activities from the web. To do so, all you need to do is log into your Poll Everywhere account and from your home page, click the + Activity button. From there, you will be prompted to create an activity.

To learn more about building and presenting your activities from the web, see Poll Everywhere's official Presenting From the Web guide.


This feature allows you to give credit for graded questions in class. After you complete an activity, you can run a gradebook report, which is a compact table that displays a list of participants and how well they scored during your quiz/presentation. While you can include any activity type in Gradebook report, it is most typically used for Multiple choice and Clickable image activities as these allow you to assign correct answers/regions.

In order to export grades to your LMS, the activity must be set to “registered participants only.” You will not be able to export grades for unregistered students.

To learn more about Grading in Poll Everywhere, see Poll Everywhere's official Gradebook Report guide.

Teams and shared activities

Teams allow presenters to share activities with each other. Activities shared with a team may be viewed, reported, and presented by all members of the team. Only account administrators and Team Leads may create and edit Teams.

Shared Activities will save time and stress when it comes to managing activities that will be presented by multiple presenters. Each presenters on the team will be able to present the shared activities independently.

It is important to note that the owner of the activity set has the ability to make edits, but the presenters within the team cannot.

You can run reports for sets shared Activities. This is helpful for organizing reports by specific classes or professors.

To learn more about Teams and Shared Activities, see Poll Everywhere's official Teams and Shared Activities guide.

Next Article Poll Everywhere Activity Types
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