Class Help

Reviewer and Associator

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Associator is an integrated Canvas learning tool to associate Canvas assignments to designated Learning Outcomes. Reviewer is a platform to enable coordinators to create an assessment for their organization to see how satisfactory a Learning Outcome is being met given student artifacts and predefined rubrics.

Request access to Associator and Reviewer

Send an email to to gain access to Kuali CM, Associator and Reviewer tools. 

Create and assign course outcomes in Kuali CM

For more information about Kuali CM, please visit Undergraduate Studies Kuali Homepage.

Course instructor uses Associator to associate Learning Outcomes to assignments

Once Associator access is granted, Associator will show as an option in your Canvas side navigation for each course. Associator will display pre-specified course outcomes and assignments. Select a course outcome [1] and then select the corresponding assignments [2] for that outcome.

Build a new assessment in Reviewer

Navigate to the homepage for Reviewer and find the Assessments tab. Within the assessments, complete the fields with your relevant information and select the correct course from the search.

If the link does not allow for you to log in, request Reviewer access to [email protected]

Outcomes Reviewer Demo | Powered by Box - Google Chrome

Preview and Verify Artifact Data

Check to make sure the course correctly corresponds to the desired assignment and artifact. If you would like to change the artifact and select another, then you can "Swap Artifact".

Outcomes Reviewer Demo | Powered by Box - Google Chrome

Manage Rubrics

Create rubrics for your outcomes and edit multiple features, such as criteria [1], define ratings [2], and point values [3].

Outcomes Reviewer Demo | Powered by Box - Google Chrome

Reviewers access assessment

Reviewers can review each artifact and decide rating.

Outcomes Alignment Suite Workflow.pptx | Powered by Box - Google Chrome
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