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How do I create Canvas Assignments requiring Folio Projects as an Instructor?

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Why create Canvas assignments that use Folio by Portfolium projects?

There are many benefits to creating a digital portfolio—with Canvas assignments with Folio projects, is an even easier for students to create great portfolio content. You might consider creating assignments that use Folio because: 

  • By using Folio, students are able to create portfolio worthy documentation and receive credit for their work simultaneously. This encourages better work, & allows students to take their work beyond the classroom in the future.

  • Using Folio allows you & your students to revisit their growth over the course of the term/program. This is a great way for students to think critically about their progress, and for you to measure achievement!

Best Practice for collecting Folio Projects as Canvas Assignments

The best way to have students turn in Folio Projects as Canvas assignments is outlined in this article:

From the article:

Portfolium Share Links + Canvas URL Submission 

You may have times where the work a student is completing in a course may also need to be added into their Folio by Portfolium ePortfolio accounts. You may wish to have students add a culmination of work completed in a class or individual resources into a Project in their ePortfolio Folio profile. In either case, by creating a Canvas URL submission assignment students can upload their work into their Folio by Portfolium accounts and submit the project share link in a Canvas Assignment for grading.  

When to use it?

  • To encourage students to add important coursework to their Folio by Portfolium ePortfolios
  • Leverage Canvas Grading tools with Folio by Portfolium ePortfolio Projects

Setting up Your Canvas Assignment

Create an Assignment in your Canvas course. Be sure to indicate in the assignment instructions that students should be submitting work as a Project in their Folio by Portfolium ePortfolio. For submission type select online, URL Submission. You can find sample assignments in the Canvas Commons: 

Grading the Assignment in Canvas

Once a student has submitted the share link from their Folio by Portfolium project to the assignment in Canvas you can view the project from Speedgrader. Click on the URL link to display the Project in the SpeedGrader window. Please note that if students update or change their project after submission those changes will be reflected in the project. They do not need to re-submit.

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