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How to create a Turnitin assignment in Canvas

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TurnItIn is an assignment application for Canvas which can reveal content matches in student writing. Students see source matches and instructor feedback directly on their work, or in a downloadable report.

1. Select Assignments

Click Assignments on the left side in your Canvas course

Course Details: Jeff H Course - Google Chrome

2. Add Assignment

Click on the "+ Assignment" button and type an assignment name.

Assignments: Jeff H Course - Google Chrome

3. Designate submission type details

Scroll down and to the right of Submission Type [1] select "online" from the "submission type" drop down; [2] select "file uploads", [3] select "restrict file upload types" and [4] type "pdf,doc,docx" separate by commas without spaces.

Create Assignment - Google Chrome

4. Enable Turnitin

Scroll down and [1] select Turnitin from the Plagiarism Review drop-down; [2] select whether or not you want submission to be stored in Turnitin's repository; [3] Customize your report, if you wish, by excluding bibliographic materials, quoted materials, small sources, [4] select "Enable grammar checker ETC" ,if you wish

Create Assignment - Google Chrome

5. Show report

Click on "Show report to students" drop-down and select one of the following as shown in the image below.

Create Assignment - Google Chrome

6. Enter a due date

Make sure to enter a due date if you require it, and an available from date if you don't want students to submit past this date.

Create Assignment - Google Chrome

7. Save and publish assignment

Click Save and Publish if you want students to see the assignment, or click Save if you want to put the assignment in draft state for publishing later.

Create Assignment - Google Chrome
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