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Learning Spaces Proposal Submission Guide FY26 (Spring 2025)

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Required Elements

Before submitting the proposal, ensure that you have a plan to obtain or create all of the required proposal elements if it applies to your proposal. 

Proposal Steps

Getting Started 

Navigate to the Learning Spaces' landing page at Click "University of Utah SSO" to proceed to your Learning Spaces' Homepage.

Creating a Proposal

On the Learning Spaces’ Homepage, click on "Create New Proposal" to begin.

The Create New Proposal pop-up window is where you enter your Proposal information. A few fields auto-populate for convenience but can be changed at your discretion. You will need to provide a Chartfield number, the URL to 2-5 minute video summary, and the Proposal Abstract | Description.

By default, as the logged in user, you are the Primary Contact. However, if you choose, you can enter additional Lead Contacts to be included in the process.

Once you have entered your proposal information, scroll to the bottom of the Create New Proposal pop-up window and click Save Proposal Information. You will be able to edit the proposal later.

Before finalizing the proposal submission, the Create New Proposal pop-up window will allow you to upload any proposal documentation (such as supporting and reconciliation documentation). 

Don’t worry if you do not have these documents at this point in the process. You will be able to add them to the proposal at any time prior to final submission.

When you are ready to proceed, click on Continue to Proposal.

After the proposal is created, if you wish to return at a later time from a clean browser, you can navigate to:, log back into the Learning Spaces’ Portal, and select the proposal you would like to continue working on.

On the Proposal Homepage, you can view and Edit your Proposal, Create New Projects, and finalize the Proposal submission by clicking on Submit Proposal.

The Submit Proposal button on the Proposal Homepage submits the Proposal.  You will not be able to make any edits after submitting the proposal so this should be your final step in the process.

Creating a Project

Once you are ready to start attaching Projects to this Proposal, click Create New Project at the bottom of the Proposal Homepage.

The Create New Project pop-up window is where you enter your Project information.  You will need to provide a Project Name, the Project Priority, the Project Description, and whether you need DLT to work an AV estimate for this project.

Once you have entered your project information, click Next at the bottom of the window to proceed.

The project is now created.  Click Go to New Project to go to the Project Homepage.

On the Project Homepage, you can view and Edit your project, Create New Line Items, and Delete projects you do not wish to keep.


To delete a project, click on the down arrow next to the Printable View button and click Delete

Creating a Line Item

Once you are ready to start creating Line Items to this Project, click Create New Line Item at the bottom of the Project Homepage.

The Create New Line Item pop-up window is where you enter your Line Item information.  You will need to provide an Item, a Quantity, a Unit Cost ($), any Matching Funds ($) your department will be providing, the % Benefit, and the Type of Request.

The % Benefit value reflects how much benefit the Line Item has to University of Utah students.  If you have a Line Item that is $500 and the % Benefit is 50% for students, then the system will record a request for $250. 

Once you have entered your Line Item information, click Next at the bottom of the window to proceed.

After reviewing the summations, click Make a change to edit the Line Item or Confirm information to create the Line Item and return to the Project Homepage.

Back on the Project Homepage, you can view the updates to the Project from the addition of the added Line Item.  Specifically, the Totals Requested section now reflects the Line Item information.  If you add additional Line Items, the Total Requested section will update with the aggregate information of all Line Items under this project.

To create an additional Line Item for this project, simply click Create New Line Item and repeat the Creating a Line Item process.

If you wish to examine any Line Item or Project you have created, click on the auto-generated Line Item Number or Project Number. This will take you to the respective Line Item or Project where you will be able to view, Edit, or Delete the chosen Line Item or Project.

Note that when looking any list of Line Items, Projects, or Proposals, only 5 items are displayed at any time.  To see the complete list of your Line Items, Projects, or Proposals, click View All at the bottom right of the page.

Submitting a Proposal

Once you are done creating all Projects and all Line Items for those Projects and you are ready to submit the Proposal, click on Go to Proposal at the top right of the Project Homepage.

If you are on a Line Item Homepage you must first click Go to Project to return to the Project Homepage.

If you are coming back from a clean browser you can navigate to:, log back into the Learning Spaces’ Portal, and select the proposal you would like to submit.

Once you are back to the Proposal Homepage and you are ready to submit, take a moment and scroll to the bottom of the Proposal Homepage page to examine the Notes & Attachments section.  If you did not upload additional documents when first creating the proposal, this is where you can upload them now by clicking on Upload Files.

Note that after submitting the Proposal you will not be able to add any additional documents.

When you are ready to submit the Proposal (having created all the necessary Projects and Line Items along with uploading any additional documents) you can click Submit Proposal in the top right.

The Submit Proposal pop-up window will remind you one last time that you will be unable to edit the Proposal and all Projects and Line Items attached to said Proposal. Once you are sure you are ready to submit, confirm the submission by clicking Yes, I am ready to submit my proposal in the bottom right of the window. 

If you are not ready to submit your proposal, close the pop-up window and you will be directed back to the Proposal Homepage to continue working on it.

Navigate back to the Learning Spaces’ Homepage: to see your Proposals and to create new ones as necessary.

Once back on the Learning Spaces’ Homepage, you can click on the auto-generated Proposal Number to view submitted proposals or continue working on Proposals that are still in progress.

Submission Assistance

If you have any questions as you work on your Learning Spaces Proposal Email: [email protected] with the Subject: Learning Spaces Help.

You are done. Great job!

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